Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Life of Susan

Hey, so I know that I haven't written a blog for ages, but that's because one side I've really busy and on the other side I haven't really done anything worth mentioning. I've just been living my life (reference to a song) the past few months. However I got the brilliant idea that I could just write about my everyday normal/boring/busy life. So here it is: the Life of mean Susan (btw The Life of Pi is a really good movie)

The Life of Susan:

-Wake up at 7:30, take shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, make lunch, quickly walk to bus at 8:27
-Wait for bus (that's basically always late), take bus to the Sunshine University, ask bus driver if he's changing into the bus I have to take next, hear him say "Yes", stay on bus
-Read on bus, get car sick, get out at right bus stop (hopefully), stagger the 900m to work (still feeling slightly carsick)
-Get to work, make coffee, recover from carsickness (or should I call it bus sickness?)
-Do work (usually typing up sermons or data entry), water plant, eat lunch, make fun of Dan (the main person I work with/for)
-Leave work at 3:45, walk 900m back to bus stop, take bus at 4:05 back to Uni, get out, wait, take bus to Buderim and get out 1 stop before my house
-Go to grocery store, get food for the whole week, either walk the 600m home or get picked up
-Get home at 5:00, put away groceries, do any cleaning tasks that are left, eat dinner, relax/clean up mess of a room
-Hang out with flatmates
-Go to bed

-Wake up 30 minutes later, otherwise similar to Monday
-Get picked up by colleague, Melissa, at 9:00
-Take notes at staff meeting and write minutes
-Normal office work
-Leave work at 3:45 and get home at 4:35
-Chill for a bit, then cook for my flatmates
-After eating and digesting a bit, go to gym at 8:00 that's a 5 minute walk from my house
-Get back from gym at 9:30, chill with flatmates a bit
-Go to bed

-Wake up at 7:30, take bus
-Work till 4:00
-Go to Dan and Ines' house for dinner (orphan night)
-Get picked up by Liza from church for Waca (=Worship And Creative Arts) at 6:50
-Be at Waca till 8:30 (I'm in the choir)
-Get home
-Hang with flatmates
-Go to bed

-Wake up at 7:30, take bus
-Work till 3:45
-Get out a stop earlier
-Go to gym till 6:00
-Get home
-Eat dinner and get ready
-Go to a connect group from church till 9:30
-Get home and chill
-Go to bed

-Wake up at 8:00 and get picked up at 9:00
-Leave work at 3:00 for massage
-Take bus at 4:05
-Go to bank and shops
-Get home at 5:00
-Eat dinner and chill at home/gulp down dinner and go somewhere/don't eat any dinner and go somewhere/combination of all of the above

-If lucky sleep longer than 9:00
-Do laundry, clean, put away clothes, chill
-Perhaps hang out with someone
-Go to gym
-Go to flatmate's parent's house for dinner (the dinner is always amazing)
-Get home
-Maybe skype with someone
-Chill with flatmates
-Go to bed

-Get up either at 7:30, 6:45 or 6:15 depending if I am just going to the service, if I'm on welcome team (which means I stand at one of the doors, smile and say welcome, etc) or if I'm singing in the service
-Get home at 11:30
-Eat lunch
-Finish laundry, cleaning, etc
-Go to gym
-Leave either at 3:30 or 5:00 depending on if I am singing in the evening service or am just going to the service
-Eat dinner at Arvo Sesh (stands for afternoon session and is a free dinner for the young adults from church)
-Go to Gloria Jeans at 8:30 (coffee shop similar to Starbucks in Mooloolaba that the Young Adults always hang out at after the evening service)
-Get home at around 10:00
-Go to bed and start from the beginning

So as some of you may see, I am rather busy the whole week.

And for all who want to see how I get to work, here's a video (the quality isn't that good, I know) :

From Home to the Office 2 from Susan DeTroy on Vimeo.

Easter Fest:
I did however do something worth mentioning in the past few months. Most of you have probably already heard about it. I was at....Easter Fest!

Now for all that don't know, Easter fest is a really big christian music festival in Toowoomba, which is a 3 hour drive south-west from where I live.
I ended up going there all by myself, the main reason being that I really wanted to go to see some of my favourite artists, even if I did have to go by myself. The first day (Friday) turned out to be my Easter Fest nightmare. I was all by myself and was hating it. I really have noticed that I just don't like being somewhere new all by myself. I just don't feel relaxed. There were also some other complications (my accommodation being 5 km away and my cellphone battery dying) that just made the day very unhappy. Anyways I was staying in a boarding school that was renting out it's rooms for Easter Fest and there were two other girls (or better said young women) in my room. I met them on Saturday morning and we hung out for the rest of the weekend. I got along really well with them and we're going to try to meet up at least a few times before I leave for Germany, so that was a real blessing. We also randomly met a guy there as well and he kind of joined our little "group".
The music part of the festival was AMAZING! Peter Furler performed with Phil Joel and Paul Colman and 3/4 of the songs they played were from Newsboys. It was so cool to be able to see the REAL Newsboys again, especially since I never thought I would ever be able to again.
Also since I had a Premium Ticket I was able to go to signings and special smaller concerts. Another band that really blew me away was United Pursuit Band. One of the Premium Events was a 1 hour worship session with them in this old church and it truly was amazing. The church was packed and you could really notice that everyone that was there really wanted to experience God's presence. It was one of the most amazing praise and worship sessions I've ever had.
On Sunday it rained from 10am to 5pm, thus producing a very cold, wet, muddy and unhappy Susan. I survived though and in the end I was happy that they didn't cancel the Sunday evening, since I was able to see this hilarious and very talented Aussie christian band called Compliment of Gus. It turns out Newsboys is the butt of most jokes in the christian music scene :D
So all in all I am soooo happy that I went to Easter Fest (even if it wasn't great the whole time).

This is my picture with Peter Furler

This was on the last day, since I didn't have an umbrella I bought a rain poncho for $3, the best $3 I've ever spent :D
(Oh and those are the two girls I meat at Easterfest)

I've been going to the gym regularly in the past 2 months and I've been really enjoying it. I can notice that my muscles are getting better and stronger each week and that's really encouraging.

One thing also worth mentioning is that I've started singing in the praise and worship band at church. I've only been on twice but both times have been heaps of fun. It's nice to finally be able to just concentrate on singing and not having to play piano as well (in the youth praise and worship band in Germany I played piano and sang).
doesn't the stage look awesome?? (Not to mention me...) ;)

Also on this Sunday I will be flying to Cambodia with Metamorphic for the 2 week CP program and then on to Vietnam to visit a friend. I'm really looking forward to it :)

See some of you in Germany in 3 months :)
Susan DeTroy

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